La conférence FARI revient le 18 novembre au Studio Flagey à Bruxelles, découvrez-en plus.

Une initiative de

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03 NOV. 2022

04 NOV. 2022

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Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

An international conference organised by COHUBICOL in collaboration with CRCL



This conference has a dedicated cross-disciplinary format aiming to launch a true conversation between LAW and CS, informed by relevant social science and humanities perspectives. Not promoting interdisciplinary soup but dedicated mutual understanding.


  1. ‘How to build language processing applications that work—and expose those that don’t’ – Emily M. Bender
  2. ‘A responsible and relational conceptualisation for computational law’ – Virginia Dignum
  3. ‘Positional Services: Avoiding a Legal Technology Arms Race’ – Frank Pasquale
  4. Title TBA – Antoinette Rouvroy

Conference tracks

Each track will be led by track chairs who coordinate the paper review process

  1. Legal search and prediction (Harry Surden, Sofia Olhede)
  2. Formalisation and Rules as Code (Lyria Bennett Moses, Denis Merigoux)
  3. AI in international law (Fleur Johns, Jatinder Singh)

Have a look at the program: and feel free to register via Easychair:

For more information, visit the conference website here.
