The FARI Brussels Conference returns on 18 November at Studio Flagey in Brussels, find out more.

An Initiative of

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05 JUL 2022

06 JUL 2022

Entrance fee



BOZAR, 23 Rue Ravenstein, 1000 Bruxelles

This two-day international conference is Brussels' first public gathering in an attempt to co-shape its AI strategy that is sustainable, inclusive, and comprehensive.


How do we make sure the future of AI, data, and robotics will serve the Common Good? How should these technologies be implemented to address pressing challenges (like the climate crisis, humanitarian conflicts, and health crisis) while respecting fundamental rights and ethical safeguards?


DAY 1: Launch and Keynote Speakers

The first day will showcase key presentations on international and local initiatives on AI for the Common Good. The first day will serve as an avenue to stir conversations between international and local experts and policymakers on transforming technologies to the service of people. It will also explore existing scientific, ethical, and legal challenges in the deployment of these technologies.

DAY 2: Thematic Sessions

We invited local and international experts to better understand what the future might hold for the integration of these technologies in society. Day 2 will consist of the following thematic sessions:

Session 1: The EU is getting its AI Act together: How to develop AI systems under the Rule of Law?
Session 2: Are robots sustainable?
Session 3: How to involve and mobilise citizens more around AI, Data and Robotics?
Session 4: How are AI and Data used by and for cities?
