The FARI Brussels Conference returns on 18 and 19 November in Brussels, find out more.

An Initiative of

Supported by

Prisoners Dillemma-4


22 MAR 2024

22 MAR 2024

Entrance fee



8:30 AM - 5:30 PM


60 Ravenstein street, 1000 Brussels

FTI Brussels


FARI, in collaboration with partners, is hosting a B2B event during the FTI Festival in Brussels on March 22, 2024, to address the need for transparency and efficiency in integrating AI technology within the public sector.

– Coordinated by: FARI – AI for the Common Good Institute (VUB)
– Partners: Imec, Digitaal Vlaanderen, VVSG, Agoria

In response to the growing demand for transparency and efficiency in the integration of AI technology within the public sector, the FARI – AI for the Common Good Institute, in collaboration with partners, organizes a B2B event as part of the FTI Festival in Brussels.

Date: Friday, March 22, 2024

Location: Sparks Auditorium

This event aims to bring together a diverse array of participants, including representatives from public administrations at all levels – EU, national, regional, and local, alongside innovation policymakers, ICT service providers, AI and data experts, and esteemed researchers. With an expected attendance of 150 to 200 individuals, this event promises to serve as a pivotal platform for dialogue and collaboration.

In addition to the thematic sessions, our partners will host informational booths outside the auditorium, showcasing collaborative efforts and providing further insights into innovative AI solutions within the public sector.




The full program will be revealed soon.

Plenary morning session

Location: SPARKS, Auditorium – 1000 Brussels

8:30 am – 9:00 am – Welcome Coffee: Doors to the event open, and welcome coffee.

9:00 am – 9:05 am – Welcome by Hans De Canck, VUB director FARI – AI for the Common Good Institute.

9:05 am – 9:25 am – Keynote: AI & Data in Public Administrations: Public sector as a driver of innovation in Flanders – imec director Jan Adriaenssens

9:25 am – 10:00 am – Local AI Expertise for Public Administrations & Public Good: Public Sector AI Projects by local AI solution providers

– RADIX – AI platforms in Labor Mediation & HR profiling: the VDAB & Actiris use cases – Raphael Peschi
– Dataroots – Recommender systems in public broadcasting context (VRT) – Bram Verbeke & Jasper Degryse
– Short Panel discussion with Pieter Duysburgh (Kennis Centrum Data & Maatschappij – AMAI!)

10:00 am – 10:50 am – Session 1: AI Strategy for Public Administrations: a session dedicated to ins and outs of designing, defining & deploying a specific AI Strategy for Public Administrations.

–  An AI Strategy for Brussels Public Administrations – Julien Gossé, PhD (FARI)
– Thriving in a dynamic AI-landscape. Challenges for AI in Flemish Public Administrations – Patricia Van de Capelle & Karen Peleman (Audit Vlaanderen)
– An AI Strategy for Flemish Public Administrations – Annelies Vanderhoydonks (AI Competence Center – Digitaal Vlaanderen)
– Short Panel discussion with Karl-Filip Coenegrachts (FARI)

10:50 am – 11:10 am Coffee Break & Networking

11:10 am – 12:00 pm – Session 2: Role of AI Regulatory Sandboxes and local, regional, and national administrations in Innovation and implementing the EU AI ACT.

– Towards a European Network of AI Regulatory Sandboxes. First learnings from the CLAIRE workgroup – Martin Canter, AI & Data Expert (FARI / CLAIRE Brussels office)
– Belgian EU Presidency & Implementing the EU AI Act & the role of AI Regulatory Sandboxes – Jan De Bruyne, PhD (KDM – CiTiP KULeuven)
– Reflections for Flanders on the use of AI Regulatory Sandboxes – EWI advisor David Scheere
– Short Panel discussion with Gregory Lewkowicz (FARI/ ULB Centre Perelman)

12:00 am – 1:00 pm – Lunchbreak and networking – SPARKS.

Parallel Track 1 @SPARKS Auditorium

1:00 pm – 2:15 pm – Session 3: AI & Data technology to strengthen citizen security and increase confidence in government technology.

AI, Data techniques, new standards and architectures help governments develop smart solutions that increase both the security of citizens themselves and the security of existing and new services for citizens. In this way, AI can strengthen citizens’ trust in governments and even promote more citizen participation.

– AI in the context of Federal Police law enforcement use cases – Johan Loeckx (FARI – VUB AI Lab)
– State of Play of Personal Data Sharing – Esther De Loof, PhD (imec – SOLIDLab)
– Combining Law and AI to Improve Trust in Public Institutions – Gregory Lewkowicz (FARI/ ULB Centre Perelman)
– EPSAT project: Athumi – Raf Buyle, PhD (Digitaal Vlaanderen)
– Short Panel discussion with Hans De Canck (FARI/VUB)

2:15 pm – 2:45 pm – Coffee Break & Networking

2:45 pm – 4:00 pm – Session 4: Generative AI and specific LLMs in government services – friend or foe?

The past year saw enormous attention for generative AI tools such as the chatbot ChatGPT. The uses of such tools in government services are almost endless. It is important that the government and its employees can maintain control over the entire process over which such a tool exerts influence. How can this work and which context is better suited to this than others and why?

– Guidelines for the use of publicly accessible generative AI within Flemish public administrations – Hans Arents – Digitaal Vlaanderen
– Chatbots & Autonomous agents in political contexts – Bruno Borghmans (ML6)
– City of Halle – Copilot experiments – Ward Kerckhof (City of Halle)
– Chatbot for Entrepreneurs under the microscope – Erwin Van de Mosselaer (VLAIO)
– Short Panel discussion with Hans De Canck (FARI/VUB)

4:00 pm – 4:15 pm – Closing presentation: : AI in Public Administrations from an Information Security perspective – Johan Smekens (Digitaal Vlaanderen)

Parallel Track 2 – @Sparks Auditorium #7

1:15 pm – 4:15 pm – Session 5: Better mobility in the city with AI and with citizens.

AI solutions for and with citizens to increase mobility: AI techniques can help ensure that citizens participate better and more easily in local and regional policy and make citizens responsible in the search for solutions in mobility, safety?

– Amai! Publiekswinnaar! – LiLi App – Mobility for visual impaired people – Pieter Duysburgh (VUB – AMAI! Vlaanderen) & Gino Vereecke (Licht & Liefde)
– European Mobility Data Space – VSDS pilot project – Annelies De Craene (Digitaal Vlaanderen)
– EU project PEER (Brussels, Amsterdam) – VUB AI Lab & City of Amsterdam – prof. Diederik Roijers
– AI in the context of Road Maintenance Planning: Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer Project – Lode Nachtergaele (Dataroots)
– Digital Twin project Mobility in rural suburban area: Lubbeek – Mickaël Van Vaerenbergh (Vera) & Wouter Florizoone (Telraam/Transport&Mobility Leuven)- Test & Experimentation Facilities for AI & Mobility (Digital Europe Project – Tamara De Swert (imec)
– Hackatons for Urban Mobility Solutions: EUTOPIA results and outcome of the FTI Brussels Hackaton March 21, 2024 – Sara Marie Tori & Floriano Tori, PhD (MOBILISE / HOST – VUB)
– Short Panel discussion with Martin Canter, AI & Data Expert (FARI / CLAIRE Brussels office)

SPARKS 4:15 pm – 5:30 pm – Reception & Networking




Central to our mission is the imperative to demystify AI technology, moving beyond the opaque ‘Blackbox’ paradigm to foster trust through transparency and accountability. We recognize the transformative potential of AI in reshaping governmental processes, decision-making frameworks, and service delivery mechanisms. By embracing AI with transparency, governments can enhance efficiency, accelerate implementation, and ensure tailored and accessible services round-the-clock.

Throughout the conference, meticulously curated thematic sessions, developed in collaboration with experts from public administrations, AI and technology firms, as well as members of the research community, will shed light on the current landscape of AI innovation within Flanders and beyond. These sessions will offer a comprehensive overview of ongoing projects, their efficacy, and their implications for future policy agendas.

Key discussions will revolve around identifying priority areas for AI integration within the Flemish authorities, both in the short and long term, while navigating the intricate frameworks of technological advancement and legislative adaptation. Sectors such as healthcare and mobility stand as poignant examples of domains undergoing rapid transformation, necessitating agile policy responses and innovative regulatory frameworks.



This event is part of the Flanders Technology & Innovation Festival (FTI), an event showcasing advancements in technology and innovation in Belgium.

FTI Brussel
