The FARI Brussels Conference returns on 18 November at Studio Flagey in Brussels, find out more.

An Initiative of

Supported by


01 MAR 2023

Entrance fee



12:00 PM


Bd Simon Bolivar 30 30 Boulevard Simon Bolivar 1000 Bruxelles Belgium


Nathelie Smuha, , Jelle Hoedemaekers, , Rob Heyman, , Carl Mörch, , Nele Roekens, , Nathanael Ackerman , , Yves Poullet

Towards an ethical charter for the use of AI in public administration


About the Event

  • 3 hours
  • eTicket for mobile

🧑‍🎓 Schedule 🧑‍🎓

  • 12h00 Sandwich and drinks
  • 12h30 Welcome word and introduction (Rob Heyman & Nathalie Smuha)
  • 13h00 Panel discussion
  • 13h30 Workshop
  • 14h15 Plenary closing session

The board members of AI4Belgium’s Ethics and Law Working Group (including Kenniscentrum Data & Maatschappij, FARI and Digital Wallonia) wish to facilitate an explorative discussion to identify the needs and goals for a harmonized AI ethics charter for public bodies in Belgium.

Why is this important? AI is a cross-sectional and cross-governmental technology, and it raises several ethical issues which affect all citizens. The ethical principles that different governments apply when developing and using this technology should therefore also be cross-governmental.

An intergovernmental collaboration has the following benefits:

  • The more clarity and universality an AI ethics charter provides, the better different AI and data service providers can implement it. An ethical charter that shares a common ground will be easier to comply with and save time which will boost ethical innovation without overburdening organizations.
  • By working together, the different ethical knowledge centers and experts can pool their resources, which will improve the quality and acceptance of an ethical charter for governments.
  • This collaboration could lead to an inspiring best practice on the ethical use of AI in public bodies to be shared with other European member states.

To start this discussion, we hold an explorative workshop on … with AI4Belgium, Kenniscentrum Data & Maatschappij, FARI and Digital Wallonia.

The goal of this workshop is to:

  • identify common grounds on the development of an AI ethics charter for public bodies and start an informal collaboration,
  • hear the perspectives from each region, and from different stakeholders within each region
  • express specific needs and expectations with regard to an AI ethics charter for public bodies,
  • discuss a common source of principles from our experts that could serve each region.

We very much hope to welcome you to this workshop and look forward to the discussion.
