An Initiative of

Supported by


Enabling the future of work

What are the challenges of adopting AI and navigating technological change in the workplace? We will cover topics such as automation, governance, regulations, and innovation in the use of AI in the workplace.   


Bring your ideas!

What can you expect?

In this one-day course, Prof. Rob Heyman will cover how to make AI sustainable for organizations, what regulations you need to deal with, and what methods you can use to facilitate change in your organization.  At the end of the session, you will leave knowing how to adapt AI to your organization while complying with new regulations about AI. Through practical insights and interactive sessions, you will foster innovation in your workplace.  

Who should attend?

This training is designed for decision-makers from public organizations who want to empower their workforce, increase agility, and strengthen information protection. While not required, it helps to have a clear challenge in mind when attending this session. Rob will invite you to work on your innovation case or with someone if you do not have one.  

Knowledge of legal frameworks or AI is not required.   

A 20% discount is available for non-profits and public sector organizations. To benefit from the discount, we ask you to register with a professional e-mail address from one of the categories listed above. 

Planned trainings

We offer this training on demand. If you want a customized program that addresses the specific needs and characteristics of your organization or company, please get in touch and send us an email to We will work together to develop a program that aligns perfectly with your sector’s specific requirements and challenges.

Practical details:

When and where?

The trainings usually start at 9:00 and finish at 17:00 at the FARI Auditorium, Cantersteen 16, 1000 Brussels.

Certification and Assessment

The course does not include a formal exam. Certificates of attendance are available upon request.



English & Dutch


Be Central, FARI Auditorium, Cantersteen 16, 1000 Brussels

Key Faculty


Rob Heyman

Contact details

Lore Stanson