The FARI Brussels Conference returns on 18 November at Studio Flagey in Brussels, find out more.

An Initiative of

Supported by

Postgraduate “AI for the common good” | AI for Sustainable & responsible innovation

The training will allow you to speed up and kickstart responsible digital transformation with AI. Starting from a holistic perspective, it covers the interactions between technology, humans and processes throughout the lifecycle of scoping, managing and delivering an AI project. This hands-on training provides actionable AI innovation toolkits and teaches how to use them within a specific context, including a use case of your own.



The programme is organised around the different dimensions of innovation instead of around AI, because the specific context of an institution plays a crucial factor in innovation, and a better connecting factor than an unknown and often misunderstood scientific field like AI.

However, because of the many prejudices among novices in the domain of AI, and the wildly varying backgrounds, we will start with a compulsory module to introduce AI. Equally, we include a final and compulsory “case study” module where the students need to integrate what they have learnt, honing their holistic understanding of AI and innovation, as well as their interdisciplinary skills. These case studies will be published online and serve as marketing materials.

Target Audience & Discounts

The program has been developed for professionals and recent graduates with an affinity for IT, and that are directly or indirectly involved, or wish to be involved in innovation with AI. This means the training is particularly useful for you in the following roles:

– Innovation, project and product managers
Functional analyst, solution & enterprise architects
– Project officers at funding agencies
– Business developers
– HR managers and recruiters
– Legals

As FARI is supported by the European Resilience & Recovery Fund (RRF), we can provide a 50% discount to participants from the following target groups until the end of 2024:

– Public administrations, public institutions and research institutions
– Educational institutions
– NGOs and non-profit organisations
– Brussels based companies
– Brussels citizens

To benefit the discount, we ask you to register with a professional e-mail address from one of the categories listed above.

Important dates

Starting on September 12, 2024, this program will unfold over 20 days, every Tuesday and Thursday.

Registrations open from June 1, 2024 until September 5, 2024.

Please note that the maximum number of participants is 25.

Dates :

Thursday 12th September 2024

Tuesday 17th September 2024

Thursday 19th September 2024

Thursday 26th September 2024

Tuesday 1st October 2024

Thursday 3rd October 2024

Tuesday 8th October 2024

Thursday 10th October 2024

Tuesday 15th October 2024

Thursday 17th October 2024

Tuesday 5th November 2024

Thursday 7th November 2024

Tuesday 12th November 2024

Thursday 14th November 2024

Tuesday 19th November 2024

Thursday 21st November 2024

Tuesday 26th November 2024

Thursday 28th November 2024

Tuesday 10th December 2024

Thursday 12th December 2024

Tuesday 17th December 2024

Thursday 19th December 2024



Module 1: Economics & Business of AI


Module 2: Technology & Data


Module 3: Fundamentals of AI


Module 4: People & Culture


Module 5: Governance & Organization


Module 6*: Case Study/ Thesis


Starting date

12 September 2024




Be Central, FARI Auditorium, Cantersteen 10-12, 1000 Bruxelles


Total Program Fee

1350 or 2700 Euros

Key Faculty


Johan Loeckx


Hugues Bersini


An Jacobs


Gloria González Fuster


Nicolas van Zeebroeck


Geoffrey Aerts


Andres Cotorruelo

Contact details

Karen Boers
